Monday, December 29, 2014

My Nonna's Chickens and Eggs and Soup

My grandmother was a very self-reliant woman.  My grandfather, Filippo, died before the birth of their youngest child.  My grandmother raised her five children by herself, and still wore her wedding band until her death.

She had chickens, a garden, grape vines and fruit trees.  Wild berries grew on her fence. She had a rhubarb patch, a current patch and an asparagus patch.

As early as I can remember, I would often accompany her to her chicken yard to gather eggs and feed and water the chickens.

As her chickens grew older, they would not produce as many eggs.  She knew each and every one and would talk to them explaining that their production was off.  Then she would pick one that had dropped off on egg production and, as life in the country goes, she would hang it on a tree and, as humanely as possible, slaughter it and prepare it for dinner.

I was usually by her side for that process as well, from coop to table.

Every spring Youngs Feed Store would give away free chicks and she would always get 20, to replenish her flock.

She made the most delicious chicken soups, and all kinds of chicken dishes.
One of my favorite soup recipes was her Pasta di Paradiso 
She would make a chicken stock using celery, carrots, onions, garlic, and parsley.  In her house, her cat Brassy usually got his share of the cooked carrots and celery after the soup was done.  He would actually growl if you tried to take it away from him.

Chicken Soup:  My grandmother's was of course made from the chicken we picked out and fresh vegetables from her garden.


1 whole chicken
Water to cover
2 carrots scraped and cut into large pieces
1 large onion, peeled and quartered
2 cloves garlic, peeled and quartered
2 stalks celery, cut into large pieces
Bunch of parsley
Salt and pepper

How to Make It:

Rinse the chicken and place in a large soup pot.  Fill with COLD water to cover chicken. Place onions, celery, carrots, garlic and parsley in the pot.

Place on stove and bring to a boil.  Skim off any foam that raises to the top during the process.  When foam has been skimmed, add salt and pepper.  Reduce to a simmer.  Place cover on pot bracing with a wooden spoon on rim to allow some steam to escape.

Simmer for 3 to 4 hours, until chicken is tender and meat comes off bone.  Remove chicken and vegetables from the pot and strain broth through cheesecloth into a clean pot.  Reserve the meat and vegetables for another recipe.

To Make the Pasta di Paradiso:  My grandmother's was of course made from her fresh gathered eggs, grated breadcrumbs from her homemade bread and fresh grated Pecorino Romano cheese from the wedge she always had on hand.


1 egg, slightly beaten
2 to 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
2 to 3 cups of chicken broth
Fine dry Bread crumbs (quanto basta)

How to Make It:

Mix the egg and Parmesan cheese in a small bowl.  Add breadcrumbs a little at a time blending into the egg mixture with a fork.  The mixture should be loose, but not runny.

Bring broth to a boil and drop the egg mixture into the broth and reduce heat so as not to boil over.  Stir with a fork.  As the mixture cooks, it will rise to the top.

Ladle into soup bowls and enjoy!

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